
UGG Online56 pairs of couples of all nationalities in Xinjiang do mass wedding ( Photos )

May 2 ,UGG Online, 56 ethnic Chinese , Wang Xiaojun agency issued photo
from 56 couples of all nationalities together Teng Tian ,UGG Store, flying dove of peace, even with the management tree planting , Tianchi Lake in Xinjiang, took part in the mass wedding ceremony , tie the knot . Wang Xiaojun agency issued photo

China news agency, Urumqi, May 2 (Wang Xiaojun) - May 2 , 56 national

from 56 couples of all nationalities together Teng Tian , flying dove of peace, even with the plant management tree. The event aims to showcase young people of all ethnic groups united struggle spirit of the times , to promote national unity , promote family civilization . Wedding ceremony started from May 2 to 4, the end of activities in addition to Tianchi Lake in Xinjiang held a grand wedding ceremony , there will Erdaoqiao in Urumqi , Xinjiang International Bazaar feelings of ethnic customs and so on.

Communist Youth League secretary of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Party Committee Sui Xia , the event Tianshan pine root to root , heart to heart the theme of children of all nationalities , mainly in Xinjiang in order to enhance people 's understanding of the Mainland to promote the inter-ethnic integration ,UGG Online Outlet, so that young people of all ethnic groups across the country feel the changes in the development of Xinjiang .

Tianchi Lake in Xinjiang , Sichuan, the Qiang from small husband and wife Zhaoxing Yuan and Jiang Chunyan said: We take this opportunity to thank the people of all nationalities in our post- earthquake 5.12 help and support. We are fortunate to meet with fellow ethnic group in Xinjiang Heavenly Lake to participate in the wedding , the joy of today will certainly be back home , encouraging everyone together to promote national unity and progress to contribute.

It is understood that the wedding ceremony of 56 national youth activities there from Tibet , Gansu, Guangxi, Inner Mongolia , Guizhou, Jilin, Heilongjiang , Sichuan, Chongqing, Yunnan , Guizhou, Xinjiang and other 16 provinces (municipalities , autonomous regions) of the newly married young people of all ethnic groups participated in the embodiment of national unity , characteristics of the times of the wedding celebration . (End )

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