
beats by dre studioSecurity to protect state assets injury compensation has not been attempted suici

correspondent contacted by phone to charge Li Jingli Ebizal security, the other recognized as injured after Gu Wei, and recognize it as work-related injuries should be identified, but compensation for injuries after the unit has its own views, Gu Wei to do a disability identification, to determine disability after a few levels, we carried out in accordance with relevant provisions of the compensation, but Gu Wei's family is now only require the company money, money does not determine the standard.



Ms. Lee said Gu Wei, into a hospital, Handan Iron & Steel Wei to the Valley into the $ 5,000 sent condolences incentives,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/]beats by dre studio[/url], advance the hospital's security Ebizal hospitalization, treatment fees totaling more than 12,000 yuan, the company has also done a security briefing recognition. The person in charge of security Ebizal persuasion, Gu Wei, as the body has not fully recovered in the case was discharged to continue treatment. President said that the poor condition of their own, their own disabilities, but also by the two children after divorce oneself. Son of treatment and after discharge nutritional supplements, the family has come up with more than 10,000 yuan, it is unable to give the child to continue treatment. Now the security company does not honor his commitment, the family is undoubtedly worse.

stop the theft of siege injury



pending courageous

attempted suicide Xiansang Ming

Gu Wei Handan man into the security guard on duty, in order to stop criminals, protect the Handan Iron and Steel Group, Hebei Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd. Corporation (But over the past year, Gu Wei, into which the security company and Handan Iron and Steel in the hospital to pay a certain fee are no longer accepted his compensation. So far the public security organs to determine the identity of the criminals can not apply for courageous and no audio. Gu Wei into a nervous breakdown, actually attempted suicide, was fortunate to discover rushed to hospital, there is no danger.

this year at 1:30 on November 14 Xu, Lee Wei Gu toilet and found her son bleeding into the left wrist, an attempt to attempted suicide. Subsequently, Ms. Lee sent his son into the Wei Valley Handan City First hospital for treatment. Occurrence of the incident, Handan Iron and Steel took 15,000 yuan for medical compensation. Ms. Lee said that in Handan Iron and Steel said he did not have any relationship with since then, the security company has not yet come forward. there is a stop to see the offender's instincts and qualities. Currently, the attitude of the parties to the son of great stress, increasing risk of autism, often revealed the fear of sleep.

24, the reporter linked to the revival of Handan City,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/]beats by dre studio[/url], District Director of Comprehensive Management of Qiu Jie, the other said Gu Wei, as its attorney in the 11th of this month was courageous to the application unit, in accordance with the provisions of the comprehensive management Office will be answered within 15 working days. As Gu Wei into whether the conduct constitutes a courageous, Qiu Jie said that only in their access to all files before the conclusions are given.

Gu Wei,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/]beats by dre studio[/url], Department of Beijing into security technology Ebizal Aetna Limited (, in November 2009 deployed to Handan Iron and Steel security guard.

Gu Wei for the experience into how to solve the valley's attorney Yanqing Li Wei into a proposal, public security organs cracked the case as soon as possible, in order to attack the criminals required to bear civil liability with criminal compensation; are to perform work due to accident during the injury, may apply for work-related injuries identified; although it does not work with Handan Iron and Steel Company has a contractual relationship,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/]beats by dre studio[/url], but after all, Handan Iron and Steel company is the beneficiary, according to the Tort Liability Act and other regulations, Handan Iron and Steel Company as the beneficiary should bear the liability, which may start civil proceedings; for security there is no statutory duty regardless of personal safety to stop the ongoing crimes, Comprehensive Management of Urban Renaissance Zone application mailed confirmation courageous, has no written reply.

2009 年 12 月 27 日 21 o'clock, Gu Wei into the other four people on duty at the Hangang New Area occupies. Jiang Qi booth security team discovered a suspicious staff south handheld walkie-talkie in an attempt to steal. Jiang Qi cross-examination, the attitude of arrogance, a small child to see him over on a punch. Jiang Qi chase with the other struggling together. Gu Wei into that situation, rushed forward to stop it. Criminals see many people, they went next to the portable radio to call people with less than 5 minutes, the other party gathered more than 20 people, telling anyone to play, and some molecules also holds knives theft and other weapons. In the fight, Gu Wei to be Liantong 3 knife, stabbed them twice to the waist, a knife stab to the arm. Other internal security and police after security guards,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/]beats by dre studio[/url], criminals escape. For the above facts, Gu Wei's mother, Ms. Lee took into the notification and other security companies confirmed. In addition, Ms. Lee said that at present the case in the Steel City Public Security Bureau criminal case, there is more evidence in the dossier.

compensation still difficult to implement

newspaper reporter Cheng-Wen Chen in Handan / map

Gu Wei into
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