
Moncler CoatsMan was still alive and spreading flowers circle the suspect being revenge Mingbi ( map

confused people are unlucky a hospital.

Henan days of Shaochun attorney law firm power analysis, no matter who the perpetrators,[url=http://www.monclercoatsoutletstore.com/]Moncler Coats[/url], whether they are are behind, he itself constitute illegal conduct, the circumstances are serious, would constitute a criminal offense.


overnight, Jiashu ground strewn Mingbi

Tain-Cheng Wu is the family member courtyard residents, 66 years old,[url=http://www.monclercoatsoutletstore.com/]Moncler Coats[/url], her daughter married, they usually do not like the old two to live.

yesterday morning, Mr. Wu lived in family members' hospital were filled with wreaths, ground sprinkled Mingbi. He said it was his intent was for

Department of revenge many times the same person ordered


Henan Chinese Commercial News reporter Wang Yanyan

Tain-Cheng Wu of the suspect is an enemy more than ten years ago. Reporters want to verify an object of suspicion to Tain-Cheng Wu when he was Tain-Cheng Wu refused.

his wife Ms. Wang told reporters that this is the sixth was The first two, was threatening phone calls to her son play. Last year, it was her grandson, home wall splashed red water. There is time to lock eyes filled with glue her home.

Nanyang road patrol in the control room, the reporter saw from the video yesterday, 2:51,[url=http://www.monclercoatsoutletstore.com/]Moncler Coats[/url], one wearing a mask, hat man, into the No. 7 East Third Street School. The man right arm tucked under the plastic drum capsule capsule, about 3 minutes, leave.


closer look, wreaths and Mingbi, have written the same person with the black pen name: Tain-Cheng Wu (a pseudonym).

8 o'clock yesterday morning, Zhengzhou No. 7 Hospital East Third Street, the ground covered with layer Mingbi. One of the first openings,[url=http://www.monclercoatsoutletstore.com/]Moncler Coats[/url], but also placed a large wreath, three or four small wreaths.

perpetrator is illegal

Shaochun said that if the police department verified,[url=http://www.monclercoatsoutletstore.com/]Moncler Coats[/url], according to law and order punishment law, the perpetrators will be punished by 15 days of administrative detention and fines, but also for serious criminal case.

Mr. Wu's wife sweeping the floor Mingbi Henan Chinese Commercial News reporter Zhao Zhuo / photo

Subsequently, Tain-Cheng Wu's wife and neighbors, to sweep the floor Mingbi to the trash.

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